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Become a volunteer at La Cité

Saved people serve people

Serving God is one of the greatest privileges we can have.

It is truly a sign of greatness. 

Jesus showed the way so remarkably well in this, in that he humbled himself and took on the nature of a servant (Phil. 2). He also taught that the way to greatness is through a servant heart and servanthood (Matt 20:26-27).

And what better way to serve God than serving His bride, the Church.

At La Cité, we want to provide everyone in the opportunity to serve. We are all part of the body, each doing his/her part. There is a place for you.

Serving is also a fantastic way to get integrated into the church community. It will do you good, as it will do the church good. 

So why don't you start somewhere? 

Join a team

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Jason Goolaup

Production (Sound / Streaming)

We work in the spectacular because we believe that God deserves greatness. Join us in helping us make every Sunday a sublime audio and visual experience.



Hospitality (Coffee/Tea/Snacks)

It is important for us that our friends, family, brothers and sisters feel at home at La Cité and share a great moment of conviviality and fellowship around a coffee after the services.

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Cité Kidz

If you have a teaching gift, than come join La Cite Kidz ministry and help us shape the lives of next generation. You can join as a helper or a teacher for the 3-6 and 6-10 yrs groups, you will serve once a month and be part of a wonderful team that loves God and his children.

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Nick & Mahryah

La Crèche

"La crèche" provides a room for children aged 0-3 and their parents during worship services. Every Sunday, we make sure that everything is ready for the families. Our mission is to lovingly welcome families and respond to their needs. Like Jesus, we want to be a church that welcomes children. We'll be delighted to have you in our team.

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Tatiana & Vadim


We bake fresh pastries and prepare nice cups of coffees on a Sunday morning, we get to enjoy nice conversations and meet new people

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Alexandra et Gilbert


"Let us look out for one another to stir us up to love and good works." (Hebrews 10:21). If you also feel that welcoming people to church is more than just saying "hello" at the door, and if you want to share God's love by meeting new people, join our team!

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We interpret the church service each week from French to English or vice versa so that everyone can have access to the message! We are looking for people who are bilingual (ou presque!) in French and English to join the translation team.

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Jurie Ane


We love people and want to ensure everyone feels included on a Sunday by being able to follow the singing, the announcements and the preaching.

Come and join the projection team.

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Communication (Social, ...)

We keep the everyone informed on all that is happening in the life of the church, through social media, emails, website etc. 

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Nick & Mahryah 

Sunday Cleaning 

We serve on the Sunday cleanup crew by freshening up the auditorium, in order to keep it in a welcoming state. After Sunday service, come spend 20 minutes sweeping, cleaning bathrooms and taking out trash, to restore the main hall back to its sparkling glory

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Luc & Antoine 


In the early morning, come and help prepare the stage and hall for worship. The only prerequisite is a working alarm clock. So don't just sit between two chairs, set them up! And as a bonus, you get to choose the color of the spotlights 🌈

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Breaking of bread / Communion

Serving the Lord's Supper is about preparing the table of grace for people who are thirsty and hungry for God because Jesus satisfies. If you share this conviction and your heart desires to serve, join us!

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We endeavour to worship God in Spirit and Truth though music and song, and facilitate each one worshipping and encountering God.

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We are here to make sure everyone is safe, watching over the building during Sunday service, monitoring access and making sure our Sunday services are a nice experience for those who attend .

Sign-up to join a team

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

I would like to join the following team(s)

Thank you. We will get in touch with you soon.

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